Introducing Söhne Mannheims Jazz Department
Söhne Mannheims Jazz Departmentmy latest work as arranger and producerSöhne…
Tiny Lesson #11: 6 Steps To Put First Things First
10. September 2019Tiny Lessons,Tiny Lessonstutorial,Tiny Lessons,first things first,clarity,priority,diamond hour
Welcome to my Tiny Lesson on how to put first things first. I assume you are…
Tiny Lesson On What It Takes to Be(come) A Professional Musician
9. September 2019Tiny Lessons,tutorial,Tiny Lessons,professionalmusician
What does it take to become a professional musician? A few thoughts beyond the…
Tiny Lessons On How To Follow Through On Your Goals
17. April 2019Tiny LessonsTiny Lessons,tutorial,follow through,goals
How can you follow through on your goals? Here are some easy and extremely…
Tiny Lessons On How To Practise Walking Bass Time
3. February 2019music,Tiny LessonsTiny Lessons,walking bass,time,how to,practise,practice
How can I learn to play walking bass? Most often this questions is answered by…
Tiny Lessons On Getting Clearer
2. February 2019music,Tiny LessonsTiny Lessons,Coaching,Getting Clearer,Tools,Perfect Day,the next step
I collected a few thoughts of mine on how to create clarity. To be precise,…
Theresien Remix Video featuring Accra street scenes
26. January 2018musicRemix,Accra,Theresien,Ghana
Whenever I see pictures of Ghana street scenes I am hit by a sweet melancholy…
Me & You Revisited - the songs of Me & You recorded as Duo
8. October 2017MusikJazz,Me&You,Doublebass,Dobro Guitar
Edward Maclean and Christian Kögel reinterpreted the songs of Me & You in…
Edward Maclean live at Schloss Agathenburg
I had a great show at Schloss Agathenburg the other day: Me & You live with…
Meet the band: Tobias Backhaus - drums
11. March 2017Uncategorized,music,MusikJazz,Me&You,Jazz,Me&You,drums,drums
In this space I will be introducing the members of my band in loose…