Introducing Söhne Mannheims Jazz Department

Introducing Söhne Mannheims Jazz Department

Söhne Mannheims Jazz Departmentmy latest work as arranger and producerSöhne…

Theresien Remix Video featuring Accra street scenes

Whenever I see pictures of Ghana street scenes I am hit by a sweet melancholy…


Me & You Revisited - the songs of Me & You recorded as Duo

Edward Maclean and Christian Kögel reinterpreted the songs of  Me & You in…

Edward Maclean live at Schloss Agathenburg

I had a great show at Schloss Agathenburg the other day: Me & You live with…

Meet the band Tobias Backhaus (c)Zara Zandieh

Meet the band: Tobias Backhaus - drums

In this space I will be introducing the members of my band in loose…